FSI Digest 007

Hello readers,

An ecosystem is only as healthy and resilient as the strength of the collaboration of all involved. And it is the same for nature and for human society.

When ecologist Suzanne Simard published her findings of what has come to be known as the “wood wide web”, she also prompted scientists to rethink the common narrative that competition is the primary force that governs forest ecology. Simard’s groundbreaking work actually stemmed from a chance encounter that necessitated her grandfather digging up  the forest floor. Right under her feet, Simard discovered the dense and deep underground mycorrhizal networks that feed off from the trees whose roots they are entwined with. In return, the fungal networks connect the oldest trees with shallow-rooted seedlings, and serve as a conduit for the inter-tree exchange of information and nutrients, so that the forest as a whole can better fend off diseases and insect attacks.

At FSI, the work that we do is similar to that of the wood wide web, because we believe big problems require broad collaboration and free sharing of knowledge, resources, and information.

In 2021, we set many more shared impact milestones. At our first stakeholder meeting held in March, we were thrilled to reunite with some of our Impact Lab alumni, who have applied their knowledge and hands-on experience of shared impact to their studies and work. Our Shared Data Project, which was still in the pipeline at the time of the stakeholder meeting, has since rolled out a couple of endeavors with the aim of enhancing transparency and accountability in the social impact space in Hong Kong.

As the content partner of the Change Makers Stage at the ReThink event, we brought our partners and stakeholders together to discuss the challenges and potential of bolstering the social impact space through broad cross-sector collaboration, vigilant use of data and technology, effective philanthropy, and impact-driven partnerships. The great response from the individuals and organizations reaching out to us in search of partnership and collaboration after the event, we believe, is a validation of our shared impact model.

In 2022, we will continue to help the people who help people to drive actions towards systems change. Read the latest happenings at FSI and our partner companies below, and find out how you can support us here.

Have a safe, healthy, and merry Christmas!

FSI Happenings

Asia Charity Directory
Private individual and family wealth in Asia today is at an all-time high and its growth sees no signs of stopping. However, in this region that accounts for one-third of global wealth, the potential of effective philanthropy has yet to be maximized. What if there is a charity database that funders and donors can access to learn more about an organization’s work, how the money is spent, and what its beneficiaries think about its programs?

At FSI, we believe that transparency, accountability, and efficiency of the social impact sector can accelerate effective philanthropy. That is why we are working to build the first charity directory for Asia, starting with Hong Kong. The FSI Charity Directory will be a public, comprehensive database that can eventually integrate charity ratings, data analytics, and other resources.

To that end, we need volunteers to help us manually collect and input information and documents that are currently missing from the database. Would you or your employees be interested in this opportunity? Register if you are interested in participating in the project, or get in touch with us if you would like to learn more about the project!

If you, too, believe that data is critical to driving systems change, check out our other Shared Data endeavors, including the Fundraising Directory and the Non-profit Software Discounts and Offers Database.

Community Connections
If you missed our recently published Community Connections Digest on our Connection Sessions, skills-based volunteering opportunities, and our Board Director Training Program, read it here.

Impact Lab

In the Fall 2021 semester, we continued to empower young people with leadership, management, and communication skills by placing them with our partner companies. And we have launched a 10-week certificate-bearing program, to help students expand their understanding of the shared impact philosophy, impact-based learning, business ethics, and social impact through engaging in hands-on activities.

Watch this video and see what our students think of our certification program, and follow Impact Lab on LinkedIn here!

Shared Impact
Learn more about how we at FSI help the people who help people in this case study, where Bradley Aaron, the Program Director at EmpowerU, talked about the work of EmpowerU, his experience of working with FSI and his thoughts about shared resources, as well as his advice for impact-driven youth.

Read more on how FSI’s programs and initiatives help our partner companies and bring the community together here, such as our recent Impact Jam with Goldman Sachs’s Community TeamWork volunteers!

From Our Partner Companies

Soap Cycling
Looking for a fun and meaningful way to celebrate Christmas this year? Sign up for Soap Cycling’s Christmas Soapathon 2021 on 27 December, help recycle soap and package 1,000 gift bags for the people in need! Bring your family and friends and register here. Even if you can’t make it on the day, consider making a donation to support the event.

Soap Cycling is now a charity partner of Twopresents. Beyond money or gift donation, teens between seven and 12 years of age can also choose to celebrate their birthday with a two-hour self-directed learning experience at Soap Cycling’s warehouse. If learning about zero waste, hygiene, soap recycling, and making soap art sounds an interesting way to celebrate birthdays to you, find out how you can do it on Twopresents’s website.

Separately, Soap Cycling has made a generous donation of recycled soap bars to Box of Hope, so that impoverished children and families in Hong Kong and Asia will have an essential hygiene item for the holiday season.


Did you know that 81% of overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) went into debt to finance their last job abroad, and 49% of OFWs are misinformed on their legal rights? Migrasia’s latest research report, BREAKING THE CYCLE 2.0: Evaluating Information Arbitrage and Financial Exploitation in the Pre-Departure Phase of Migration, made possible by Winrock International, aims to reduce instances of human trafficking and forced labor by clarifying the power and information asymmetries between Filipino migrant workers and their migration intermediaries in the pre-departure phase.

Support the work of Migrasia here and stay tuned to the publication of the report.

GREEN Hospitality
GREEN Hospitality has recently received grant support from the Innovation and Technology Fund to launch its new project“Green Recovery for the Tourism and Hospitality Industries in Hong Kong Through Technology & Innovation”. During the nine-month period, GREEN Hospitality will roll out a host of events and innovative sustainability solutions and toolkits.

Are you interested in hacking for a more sustainable future? Sign up for GREEN Hospitality’s 2022 Hackathon, â€śCircularity in Hospitality – Transforming Waste into Solutions”, expected to be held on 26 February 2022! Find out more about the hackathon and get early-bird tickets here before 31 December.

Stay tuned to GREEN’s upcoming events here. Want to stay abreast of sustainable development and solutions in the hospitality industry? Become a member!

At Foundation for Shared Impact (FSI), we help the people who help people. Learn more about our shared impact philosophy, collaborate with us and support our work.

*FSI is a Section 88 tax-exempt charitable organization under the Inland Revenue Ordinance.

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